Technologies & Solutions

Water Treatment

We provide a variety of innovative, chemical-free, green, and holistic technological solutions to the commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors using patented ULF technology. We have the solution for controlling scaling, corrosion, bio-fouling for water, submerged structures, and antioxidizing water.

With the increasing demand for high-performance green technology to save our environment, our technology offers more effective & efficient water treatment solutions and provides long-term eco-friendly protection to your system.

Our solution, uses Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Patented Technology to treat the water without harming the environment (non-chemical treatment), and is proven to be effective & efficient in scaling, corrosion, and biological control as an all-in-1 solution for your water treatment.

Cooling Tower

A holistic maintenance program is needed in a cooling water system to effectively control scaling, corrosion as well as microbiological growth. To address them effectively, our system which is specially catered for cooling water treatment system offers a unique total solution that transcends conventional treatment method boundaries. Specifically, this encompasses Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) pulsed electromagnetic wave treatment that imparts energy into the bulk water to achieve the treatment objectives.


  • Certified Singapore Green Building Product.
  • Eliminates the use of chemicals.
  • Higher cycles of concentration (C.O.C) than conventional treatment and reduces blow-downs.
  • Great water savings by recycling all bleed-off water.
  • Meets NEA and other cooling water biological control standards.
  • Legionella and other bacteria, algae control.
  • Saves energy by better scaling control.
  • Prolongs equipment life through better corrosion control.
  • Simple installation.
  • Support Singapore’s national agenda on sustainable development.
  • Strong track records with reputable District Cooling Systems, Data Centers, Hospitals, Commercial & Industrial Buildings, F&B, Power plants, Chemical plants, Industrial plants, and many others.

Chillers & Condensers

Automatic On-line Tube Cleaning System (Brush Type) for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Chillers, and Steam Condensers helps to prevent fouling and scaling of the tubes and to maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of industries and factories’ power generations without interruption of operations.

The cavemen started brushing their teeth regularly once they found out that “fresh” build-up is easy to remove, as opposed to leaving it untouched and allowing scaling. That’s exactly what the tubes of your heat exchanger or condenser need: regular brushing to clean any build-up before scaling sets in. Automatic Brush Tube Cleaning System (ATCS) accomplishes exactly that during the normal operation of your system. You’re assured that those tubes are kept as pristine as gun barrels, without interruption of operations.


  • Designed to fit any heat exchanger or condenser that has a bundle of tubes inside it.
  • Standard brushes are made from PE caps with Stainless Steel wires and nylon bristles for application in water with temperatures up to 60 ᴼC.
  • PE baskets are easily removable (and re-usable) from the socket when necessary, during inspection or brush replacement.
  • The special reversing valves are designed in the nominal size from 80 mm to 600 mm for nominal flow rates from 50 m³/h to 3000 m³/h.
  • Compact multi-functional actuator with end position switches and torque control in IP55 housing. Manual emergency operation is possible.
  • For systems with multiple heat exchangers or chillers we can offer additional options in terms of control and monitoring.

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Every year, tens of millions of dollars are spent on chemical treatments for corrosion and sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) controls in the oil fields. This SRB can colonize in crevices, pits, underneath biofilm, or flow boundary stagnant areas. This is further exacerbated by the high chloride or conductivity of injection water which can accelerate corrosion. As a result, severe corrosion can occur in pipes, tubes and the internal structure of tanks.

Our non-chemical, world’s first microbial-induced corrosion control technology that blocks the growth of SRB, kills SRB directly by disrupting its metabolic electron transportation and preventing multiplication.


  • Disruptive technology that can save you millions of dollars in repair and replacement due to microbial-induced corrosion.
  • Lethal kill rate of sulfate-reducing bacteria that has been field-tested multiple times.
  • Customizable to needs such as different flow rates and water qualities.
  • Minimal system maintenance required.
  • Low power consumption, high energy efficiency.
  • Simple operational procedures.
  • Ease of system monitoring.
  • Compact size of system and equipment.
  • Zero harmful output to the ecosystem.
  • Short lead time to successful corrosion control.

Asset Enhancement

Tailor-made solutions that secure production processes, protect the environment, protect life and serve health. We have composites and sealing solution technology, pump bearing technology, and for medical instruments. We produce and deliver products that are adapted to even the toughest conditions: Very high or extremely low temperatures, and various pressures, for liquid, gaseous or aggressive media. We have been helping customers improve their assets ( eg. Pumps) efficiency and reliability through our decades of experience in applying the right solutions helping them realise savings in areas such as energy savings & OPEX expenditure (improve reliability).


Industrial manufacturing and production facilities need to shift from reactive to proactive maintenance strategies. It is reported unplanned downtime costs 10 times more than scheduled maintenance. We present an all-in-one solution to meet the needs of the semiconductor and manufacturing industry.

Our smart factory solution is designed with these goals:

  • Improve reliability and availability of production assets.
  • Reduce unscheduled downtime.
  • Reduce maintenance costs.

Our solution is customizable and can be retrofitted to integrate into your manufacturing systems. It can enhance the system’s overall competencies by monitoring for defects, and trigger points and anticipating asset breakdown:

  • RFID – We deploy a locator tag to every machinery, tool, and personnel within the factory. Personnel can track the whereabouts of their team and the shared special calibration tools. Proper ID identification also limits the access of the machines to authorized personnel.
  • Remote control management – A system that allows users to operate equipment ( key asset ) remotely via TCP/IP communication protocol from a centralized control room.
  • A.I.-driven automation – Advanced A.I.-driven scripts can automatically operate the equipment according to the customer’s preset conditions and eliminate human errors.
  • IoT sensors – We provide a wide selection of sensors including A.I.-driven image and acoustic sensors for 24/7 monitoring of the condition of key assets. Data mining from our additional sensors can be used for Big Data analytics for process optimization or alert for any anomalies detected.
  • SMART Glass – When a technician/engineer requires external support/guidance, they can wear Smart Glass for remote troubleshooting support while preventing confidential information from being exposed.